Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Steadfast Mind

Do you flounder at the edge of peace unable to find your footing? Life’s challenges in a chaotic world gone crazy can turn a great day topsy-turvy with the snap of the fingers; a conversation gone awry, the loss of a job or loved one, an accident, sickness. You name it. The day can start out sunny and end in gloom.

The shock of such situations may well set us off guard and cause us to react in a wrong manner. We feel like a kite crashing with no current to carry us upward. It’s a devastating feeling. It happens to us all. Then guilt slithers in like a snake and says, “You blew it ... again.”

I experienced this twice last week.

In the confusion Jesus whispers “Trust me...”

Oh, that blessed word—trust. It sounds easy when we’re on the mountaintop looking down. On the downside looking up, it feels at times, impossible to attain.

But when we walk steadfastly with Christ, all things are possible. Steadfast means; unwavering, unfaltering, resolute, persistent, committed, dedicated, and unswerving. It does not mean perfect. How soon we forget that Jesus love for us is unconditional.

He knows loss. He knows pain. He knows rejection. He knows our weakness, and He understands.

Trust is a learned response to difficulty.

Instead of wallowing, let’s pull up our proverbial bootstraps and follow in Jesus footsteps. He spent his life in communion with the Father. If we make busyness our excuse we are walking in rebellion, and sure to fail the next time adversity strikes.

Setting aside a portion of our day to sit in His presence allows the Author of time, time to path our way to productivity while we commune with Him. When the path gives way He will keep our footing sure. He is faithful. Like Peter, He upholds us with his right hand and will keep the waves of adversity from washing over us.

As we learn to trust Him and walk in steadfastness of heart, we will have perfect peace.

Isaiah 26:3

You will keep in perfect peace
him whose mind is steadfast,
because he trusts in you.

Jesus, bless my brothers and sisters today, especially those experiencing adversity. Help them know they are not alone, that you walk beside them. Give them strength for the journey and peace in the pitfalls as they trust in you. I ask that you breathe new life into them and that you refresh their spirit. In Your Name I pray. Amen.

Blessings Friends,
Danie Marie


  1. Thank you for the prayer, I needed it. Blessings to you as well.


  2. Renie ~ I'm always thankful when I can encourage others. God knows your struggle and He's holding your right hand.

    Blessings ~ Danie

  3. Danie, I just visited your blog for the first time. Thanks for the encouraging words and thanks for linking to my blog. I also became a follower today.

    J Renee

  4. So glad to see you here! And you're welcome!


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