Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Burdens We Carry

Some days I feel weary. Weary of trying to accomplish tasks God has called me to; namely, writing, speaking, and blogging; counseling women and taking time for family and friends. Anxiety weighs me down and I wonder which way to turn. There are so many options it makes my head swim.

Decisions, decisions, decisions!

The load feels so heavy at times I want to check-out.

Ever been there? Perhaps you’re there right now. I’m an empty nester, but some of you have families to care for. Add a job to an already heavy responsibility and you’ve got overload.


What to do?

Jesus advises, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gently and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matt. 11:28-30)

Most of us have seen a picture or on TV, a pair of oxen pulling a heavy load. But did you know that one of the oxen is more experienced, stronger? When a young ox is attached to a yoke with a mature ox, the young ox’s load is made lighter, easier. The lead ox does most of the work. In time the young ox learns from the older.

“Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work.” (Eccles. 4:9) I fail when I attempt to complete projects in my own strength. The Lord is the only one who can truly lighten my load. But I have a responsibility to ask and receive His help. It means learning to trust Him in all things, and sometimes He wants us to reach out to others for help.

If we live life as “People pleasers” and “Yes people”, we are our own worst enemy. If God hasn’t called us to it—we shouldn’t do it.

Learning to recognize when our plate is full, and learning to say “No” frees us from added anxiety. Spending time with Jesus each day lessens stress as we look to Him for strength. He helps us remember to trust him and not worry about tomorrow. Each day if we do what we can, that’s enough. It’s all He expects.


  1. Two out of three of my birds are out of the nest. It's so easy to be a mom that says yes to too much.

    Decisions make my head spin too. I want to be better at going to the One who can make my yoke lighter.

    Thanks for the reminder. Love your blog and purpose here.


  2. Thanks so much for stopping by, Brenda. Knowing I helped a sister in the Lord made my day! Blessings upon you!

  3. Oh, Danie Marie, you wrote this post for me. I'm fairly responsible when it comes to saying "no" and recognizing when my plate is full to overflowing! But here recently, there's been too much, and all of it is necessary. Thus, I flounder around in my world, hoping for some relief and knowing in my heart that a lighter day is coming. I "live on" sister, and I do so with Jesus as my abiding peace and companion. The older I get, the wiser I become, the more willing I am to live within the boundaries of a single day without taking on the worries of tomorrow.

    But I needed this today. Thank you for giving me permission to rest. Tomorrow's packing for our move in June can wait.

    Thanks for visiting the blog and leaving such an encouraging comment. With my recent book release, the work load has been tripled... but I am grateful.


  4. I found you via blogfrog. I really like this blog and I really like this post in particular. It speaks to me loudly because my busy-plate is filling up more every day.

  5. God bless you Elaine, I'm so glad you stopped by for a visit and that my blog ministered to you. Your words encouraged me, Sister. Isn't it wonderful that we can connect with those we've never met in this way? I just love it! Some day we will meet... :)

  6. Lynda, oh yes, how fast our plates can fill. I pray you know how to say 'no'. Although there are many good thing we can do, there are plenty of other people who can do them as well. God never said we had to do it all.
    Danie Marie


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